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Membership in the SLC-ANZ Opens


Updated: Apr 10, 2021

You can now apply to be a formalised member of the SLC-ANZ. Head over to to apply now.

The Space Law Council of Australia and New Zealand (SLC-ANZ) has come a long way since it starte

d as an ad hoc meeting of space-interested lawyers, students, academics and industry participants in 2018.

In August 2020, after much discussion with all participants of what was the Australia and New Zealand Space Law Interest Group (ANZSLIG), the SLC-ANZ was incorporated as a company limited by guarantee and subsequently registered as a charity in Australia. Under the supervision of an initial board of directors, the SLC-ANZ has continued to grow its membership list while offering a range of seminars.

One of the major reasons for incorporating as a company was to allow the SLC-ANZ to have a membership. Membership is now open. Head over to to learn more about the process and download an application form.

The SLC-ANZ has three tiers of membership:

  • Individual

  • Student

  • Corporate

Head over to our website to learn more about each class. There is an annual membership fee associate with each tier. This fee will assist the SLC-ANZ to deliver its seminar program and work on new and exciting projects. This fee has been set at a modest level and the SLC-ANZ’s governing documents prevent arbitrary increases in membership fees. As part of our transition to a membership model, a number of our events will become “Members Only”. While the SLC-ANZ will continue to offer public events and outcomes, the vast majority of events, seminars and outputs will be offered to SLC-ANZ members only. At this stage, “Members Only” events will commence in May. The SLC-ANZ was established to offer opportunities to its members in the space law and policy sectors in Australia and New Zealand. With a membership base, the SLC-ANZ can continue to offer high quality and unparallel opportunities for members. Have any questions about membership? Please email us at

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